OPUSmedica is proud to endorse this important enterprise. OPUSmedica’ logo represents Janus and it means that we are looking at the past to shape the future.

It is a non profit network for Persons,Care & Research in the field of pain with special interest in painful conditions where treatments aren’t adequate and the quality of life  is very low such as CRPS, Fibromyalgia and phantom limb pain. In these pathologies Opusmedica has a strong relationship with the associations of persons affected by these painful conditions.


The “Societal Impact of Pain” (SIP) is an international platform created in 2009 as a joint initiative of the European Pain Federation EFIC® and the pharmaceutical company Grünenthal GmbH and aims for raising awareness of the relevance of the impact that pain has on our societies, health and economic systems exchanging information and sharing best-practices across all member states of the European Union developing and fostering European-wide policy strategies & activities for an improved pain care in Europe (Pain Policy).

The platform provides opportunities for discussion for health care professionals, pain advocacy groups, politicians, healthcare insurance providers, representatives of health authorities, regulators and budget holders.

The scientific framework of the SIP platform is under the responsibility of the European Pain Federation EFIC®. Co-operation partners for SIP are Pain Alliance Europe and Active Citizenship Network.